Posted on 01 November 2024

Changes regarding on-going liquidation sale:
Beginning Monday November 25th 2024 all current liquidation items will go back to regular price. This is in order to have more robust and frequent themed sale weekends as well as decrease shipping fees.We understand this may seem unorthodox for a closing store, but we're trying a new sale method and we're excited to see how it goes.
Take advantage of the current liquidation prices while you can!
We're also looking to start attending smaller conventions/events in Southern and Central Ontario in 2025 and would love to hear from you where you'd like to see us!
Please email us at with suggestions/appearance requests!
Additionally, here are some general reminders:
- We are currently solely run by two part-time employees. Everest, doing fulfillment and shipping from Southern ON, and Mahou, customer service and website and sales logistics remote from the USA. Please be patient with us.
- We no longer have a warehouse. We will make pick-up exceptions for large orders. (At a location disclosed only through private email).
- We will not be restocking any items and we will be open until all or most of the stock is sold.
- RETAILERS: The "Legacy Retailers Discount" amount will be adjusted appropriately. Please be patient for a Retailer newsletter with further explanation.